28 November 2011

Full Term Baby!

By looking at our little countdown to the side, you can see that the baby is officially FULL TERM! Any time now baby!

Here is a pic of me at 37 weeks yesterday. I'm getting SUPER tired of being pregnant. Good news is the doctor confirmed today that the baby has dropped, but since it's my first, this can happen anywhere up to 4 weeks before I actually go into labor. Shoot.

Baby's room is not ready at all, it doesn't have anything on the walls, and looks very sad. I also don't have a chair, and the box with the stroller and car seat in it is holding the spot so I know what it looks like, but I'm ready for it to happen. If nothing else just so I can take a deep breath and walk without waddling again!

We are officially on alert! Come on out baby!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! I am so excited for you guys. You will be great parents and I am sure your little girl will be super cute. Love you lots!
