29 November 2010

Thanksgiving and the Snow

Well, another Thanksgiving has come and gone. And we spent the majority of our day doing this:

It's kind of a dark picture, so if you can't tell that's Nate asleep behind me and Zoe asleep on top of me. I'm pretty sure D'Jayden was curled up on the lazy boy next to us. It was a wonderful holiday! Good food, family, and football! Best holiday ever! We could all use more holidays just like it: more excuses to take 4 day weekends. It was wonderful!

Then it all came crashing down on us like the snow usually does, never can it ease us into the transition from Fall to Winter, it just dumps. These pictures don't do it justice because this was after it snowed the first time and it's snowed multiple times since then. My calf high boots are no longer tall enough.
Nate shoveling, all the time. Think of this with about 8 more inches and you'll get this morning. Then after it dumps on us, it drops to about 9 degrees as the high for six or seven days in a row. Put on some extra pants and a couple pairs of gloves and I'm good to go! Lucky for me I have my brand new jeggings. Yes, I bought them.

And just had to share this because who can resist this face? I know I can't!

Especially not when I go to leave and she runs almost outside in the freezing, all wet in a towel just out of the tub to give me a hug before I go. What would I do without her?!

Hope everyone is getting into the holiday spirit! I will be in about 2 weeks and 5 days!

15 November 2010

Halloween Party

Okay, so I know this is like three weeks late, but we're busy people. What do you want from me? So for Halloween this year, our nephew had his first Halloween walk at his kindergarten! I wasn't able to go, but Nate went and took some great pics. And of course, if D'Jayden does, Zoe must follow and so she got all dressed up and was so excited to be a part of it!

 Our little chicken! (And yes, that is a KFC bucket on her head...)
She wandered around trying to sound like a chicken, but it mostly sounded like a duck, but it was still cute!

D'Jayden's costume! He went as, and I quote: "The mean guy from Princess and the Frog."
He generally refers to all villans, bad guys, or people that are not nice as mean guys. Zoe agrees.

A few days later we went to a fun Halloween Party, my first since probably high school, and the first time I'd dressed up since I was like 12. (Needless to say, and you can see our previous post...we're not fans of Halloween. I'm one of those people that don't dress up and leave all the lights off at my house or just leave so that kids won't come begging for candy. This could be because we don't have any kids, but we'll see...)But this year, we made the effort, although it was a little lost on the crowd seeing as how the main goal of dressing up as such decided to go to Disneyland for Halloween instead...

I know you've all been dying to see our costumes...I know it's consumed you, so I will relieve your stress...

Behold, the APX couple. Just know that we sure didn't do this to offend anyone, we just wanted to make fun of the funny stuff we think people do. Please note my pregnant-ness, with the leggings, oh yeah, with glitter, and a mini-skirt. Please note Nate holding the RockStar energy drinks (which he did drink, but totally made him sick). Also, though you can't smell it here, he was wearing about 7 gallons of cologne...everyone could smell it...My hair had been much bigger, but my hair doesn't stay like that so it fell...

 This is Nate totally signing Obama. Yes, he's THAT good.

This is Nate...holding a baby. Haha. This is our friend's little guy Oaklen who was dressed up as an owl. So cute! Such a good costume Lauren!

Happy Halloween! And now we can concentrate on the really important holiday of the year. Thanksgiving.

26 October 2010

Not Halloween

It is that time of year. Everyone's favorite. I just can't figure out why. We at the Laursen household are not fans of Halloween. I don't ever decorate for the silly holiday, don't dress up, and try not to be home so kids don't stop at my house begging for candy. That week also usually means mid-terms so I'm stuck studying the whole time anyway (but the bag of candy I don't hand out, usually tends to be pretty useful during this time period). So there you go. I said it. I hate Halloween. I'd rather skip right over it and skip right to the very best holiday ever made up:

We LOVE Thanksgiving. We get three whole days off of school (and usually more than 1 from work), I get to procrastinate all homework. Most teachers don't assign big things over the Thanksgiving Break, so you don't really have that much to do anyway. Seeing as how I live in a tiny little house and have lots of family, I go to as many households as I want, stuff my face and not feel one bit guilty about it, and then sit around and watch a lot of football until my stomach settles enough to eat some more. Who wouldn't love that? Then, you only have about one to two weeks left of the Fall Semester (which this year means graduation). Awesome. I therefore propose the obliteration of Halloween and replace it with another Thanksgiving.

As far as a family update for Nate and me, we are just waiting for Nate's LSAT score to come back so that we can try and figure out what we want to do with our lives. We have a few schools pretty high up on our interested list, but we just have to wait for people to tell us whether or not they want us to come to their school. It's really fun. We are preparing to hopefully find that new chapter in our lives. We are unsure of where we are going and what we will be doing with our lives, but it's requiring us to exercise a lot more faith in our lives, which I think is something we aren't very used to. So we are learning.

29 September 2010

Mormon Message and Some Running

So everyone has seen at least one Mormon Messages Video right? The movies the church makes from some of the talks at General Conference and other places that reenact some of the stories told in these inspiring talks. Does everyone remember the talk by President Uchtdorf in April 2010 Conference called "Continue in Patience"? Okay, keep that in mind...

Nate is on this list from the church that sends out announcements when they are making something for the media asking for volunteers, etc. This is also where they send out announcements for these same Mormon Messages. Nate replied to one of these announcements asking for 20-something males to participate in an army type reenactment. When he heard back from them they told him that they were making a Mormon Message for "Continue in Patience" and would love his participation and was told the details.

So a few months back in July we drove down to Camp Williams and spent the day filming. A few other wives were there, especially those of us who came from quite a ways and we spent the day helping the boys get dressed up and generally hanging around. While the boys did a bit of sitting around and a lot of running. And I do mean a lot. Most of the day was spent outside, in the heat of July, running. The few scenes in the movie don't really do it justice, because we went all over the camp running and running in different places and in different formations. We had an old general show up to make it look like someone was in command. A guy who really was in the National Guard was playing as the Drill Sergeant and he ran them all around the compound some more.

It was actually a really fun time. Some people had done things like this before, and a few, like Nate, had never done any. Everyone was really nice, and it was really awesome to get to participate in something that we know will bring the Spirit to many. Check it out below and see if you can spot my husband!

I loved this talk! It is probably one of my favorite talks of all time and it was so amazing to be a part of it! I am so grateful for my husband! Even though it was hot, and there was a lot of running and sweating, this experience was actually pretty spiritual I think for both of us. I love the church's efforts to bring the gospel to the world and I was so grateful to be a part of it. Not only that, but I am now so proud to be able to share this experience with others!

25 September 2010

The Open Box

Well, after much advice from our friends about when we should open our TV and what to do, we ignored all advice and opened it last night. We just couldn't wait anymore. After watching part of the Friday Night College game on our old TV, we decided that we'd had enough.

 Cutting open the box in the room!

 Look at that ridiculously little TV in the background vs. the box I'm cutting open.

 This box was really hard to pull out, it probably was the hardest thing about the entire process.

 Even this box is pretty...

 Hooking up the stand! It said to lay it screen down on a soft surface. The only surface we had that was big enough to fit the whole TV to attach the stand was the bed.

Here it is. On. And what is the first thing that we watch on our new TV? That would be football...

Thanks for your voting! I think it made us open it rather than wait around. I think Nate had been waiting for the LSAT, but instead I have a TV to watch football on and he's studying for the LSAT. Love it! But I hope that this is the last thing my husband buys off of HSN. I don't think it's a good idea to buy things off a TV station at 2 in the morning. Although if I let him I could end up with a Wii.

23 September 2010

The Box In The Room

Yesterday at around 5:30pm our front doorbell rang. As many of you know the ringing of our front doorbell sends cringes up our spines, especially if it happens after office hours end at 5pm. As is customary with an after 5pm front doorbell ring, Vicki and I ignored the request. After two patient doorbell ring attempts the visitor began the prevailing routine of emphasized knocking and more vigorous doorbell pushing. This resulted in the usual impetus on Vicki and my part when someone "doesn't get the hint," which is Vicki kept reading her text books while I kept surfing the web, only now it was with animosity and disdain that we didn't answer the door. Knocking and ringing continued for a few minutes. I was in the office/family room/study while Vicki was doing homework in the bedroom. The inquires at the door ceased for a few minutes until suddenly my social networking and email inbox cleaning was interrupted by knocking at both back doors.

Those whom we are actually willing to invite into our home after 5pm have been instructed to knock on the back door if they visit after 5pm unbeknownst to us. This knocking startled me, yet I was excited at the prospects of who it might be. It could be "the Babies"---our pseudonym for our adorable 2.5 year-old niece and 5 year-old nephew. It could be any other family member. As I arose contemplating the prospects of who it was I got a bit excited at the fact that it could be a resident of the apartments bold enough to risk their life by knocking on the back door, and I even smirked as I conjectured of how the conversation may go if that was the case. Imagine my surprise when I opened the door and saw a man dawning the most recognized uniform in the world. His brown shorts and knee-high socks which are often stereotyped to spawn arousal and excitement in lonely housewives, seemed to have a similar affect on me because it didn't take me long to realize what this persistent UPS man had for us. In fact, I barely remember us saying any words as I giddily  followed him around the house to his trademark brown truck parked on the street.

It was only about eleven days earlier that one of my insomniactic (<---probably not a real word) episodes had found me browsing channels in the late hours of the evening of September 10th. I knew the sleep timer on the TV was on and set to turn off soon--it has always bothered me that my television can be programmed to sleep upon request, and a instant snooze button comes with alarm clocks, while my body ignores all such petitions. With the knowledge that i had little time left to enjoy the images on the screen I was flipping to find some kind of images or show to provide the blue glow to fall asleep to, and that is when I saw it. A 42-inch 1080p HD LED television the width of a dime on the Home Shopping Network for only $899.95. It was HSN's daily special for the day and they had a limited number of supplies, but right as I started to realize the opportunity that was in front of me, click. Darkness.

The television had once again beat me to dreamland. I sat there in the dark with Vicki asleep next to me staring at the ceiling. We had talked about buying a nice television, but had never really seriously looked. All of our friends were getting them. Football season had started only a day ago. Vicki and I love football, but we don't really watch a lot of TV. Though the season premiers of Glee, NCIS, Fringe, and Burn Notice were right around the corner, yet we aren't know for being big spenders. Vicki has suggested she would like a Wii, and my buddies all over the globe would love for me to invest in my own Playstation 3 rather than just watching them play. A nice new television was the first step. It only took a few moments, and I knew there was no way I was going to sleep now. Was the TV turning off a sign? Was someone trying to keep me from making such a rash impulsive decision?

I was already standing up now reaching for my wallet on the dresser next to the bed. Maybe I'll just go into the other room and see what the TV has to offer. I already had the TV in the other room turned on and had found HSN. No tax, no shipping charges. There has got to be some strings. Can we make the $899.95 up front payment? My laptop was already on and I was typing "HSN" into the search bar. they do offer a FlexPay plan, don't have to pay the whole thing up front. The cost probably goes up if you select different plans. I was by now researching what kind of TV's were best. What does 1080p mean anyway? What is the difference between Plasma and LED? Backlit better or edge? each question led me deeper.

At 12:01 am on Saturday September 11th I purchased this television (watch the video--that is what I saw that illustrious night), and on Wednesday September 22nd it arrived. It now sits in the room it was purchased from still in a cardboard box.

I originally planned on keeping it a secret and surprising Vicki by having my late night insomniac purchase sitting in the living room ready to watch the Miami Hurricanes play Pitt (football game tonight). They estimated the delivery date at September 21st when I ordered it. I couldn't keep it a secret for more than a day. She knew by dinner on 9/11 that I had bought it.

The quandary now is that I am less than three weeks away from taking the LSAT and despite 16 weeks of possible preparation have done the equivalent of maybe a 16 hours. Vicki is very busy with her last semester at Utah State University. Is now the best time for a distraction as awesome as this TV?!

We have talked about whether we should open it now or not. Should it be a reward for me practicing and taking the LSAT on the 9th of October? Should we make ourselves "earn" the TV by getting all the things we have lingering finished--Vicki's homework, my study and practicing for the LSAT, clean the house etc, change the oil in the car, etc, etc...?

What do you think? Weigh in on our poll.

21 September 2010

Welcome to Blogging!

I have previously not been on the blogging world because I was determined to come up with a cool name before I started my blog. I did not want something boring or generic. That being said I will explain to you our blog name.

Pedantic means someone who is overly concerned with their school work or very academic. Since Nate and I met at school, in a Journalism class, we thought this would be a good word to describe our beginnings. And our JCOM teacher would be proud that we used a word that probably has been on his word of the day list at some point.

Fixation means that you are fixed on or obsessively connected to for all time. In psychology it means someone who is strongly attached to someone that usually results in immature behavior that will persist throughout life.

And thus you get the Laursen's. Let the blogging begin! (It should also be noted that we came up with this name game during a vigorous game of Facebook Scrabble.)

As of today, Nate and I have been married for 3 years, 6 months, and 12 days. (and yes, I had to count it...) He has been working the last two years for a software company from home, while also working as apartment managers for a complex of 208 single students. I also get paid for this position, but I don't think anyone knows that I am also a manager of the complex. In the meantime I have been going to school and will be done this December! I have also been working for the on-campus student newspaper as the office manager (meaning I make sure everyone pays us, and that everyone gets paid). After that...well...we have no idea. We do know we are going on a cruise in January, so stayed tuned for details! 

And so concludes my very first blog post. Should I be taking photographic evidence of this?