14 November 2014

Tiny Dancer

We went to Josslyn's dance class yesterday to see what she's been learning. It was really great to watch her and loved seeing how much fun she was having. Obviously this is where my money will go for the rest of my life, and I'm totally fine with it. Here are a few videos. Kind of long, but totally worth it.


We love seeing what she's learning, and love how much she loves it!

03 November 2014

Birthdays and Halloween

McKynzie has turned 6 months! I can't believe she is half a year old! And like a good mom I totally forgot until the day after. Rock on.

She weighed 16 lbs. 11 oz. and was 27 inches long at her appointment on the 29th. She is growing great! She is one of the happiest babies I know. We are starting to work on sleeping through the night. She really wants to eat still at night, and while I'm happy to do so if she is really hungry, I would love an extra hour of sleep at night or even (gasp!) 6-7 hours straight.

We have started her on a few foods, but she mostly seems interested in playing rather than actually eating anything, so this might take a while, but since she's so happy and growing great, I have little concern about solids until she really wants them.

Last week was my mom's 50th birthday so of course we threw a party!

We had a great time and I'm glad it came together so well. I hope my mom enjoyed having a few old faces there. I hope she knows how much I appreciate her as a mom and (as I've had kids) a friend and advice giver! She's one great lady!

The first picture at the top is one we've wanted to do for a while but kept forgetting so we made sure this time. It's four generations of girls. We don't have a lot of girls on the Gadd side, so we had to get a picture of the line from my mom's mom, my mom, me and my girls. I'm the ONLY ONE with just girls, everybody else has boys!

Last of all, Happy Halloween! I am not a fan of the holiday, but Josslyn is clearly enthralled. She LOVED LOVED getting to dress as a princess all day. She was so excited that she didn't eat a single piece of candy! She just wanted to walk around being Elsa, and she took the role seriously. I had to call her Elsa all day, she referred to Kynzie as Tinker Belle and she swirled her dress and sang songs to her heart's content.

Kynzie loved being in her stroller and seeing all the people and smiling at everyone. She didn't really care for candy obviously or even her outfit. But was excited that Josslyn was excited.

Nate has been gone for much of October for different conferences and trips. He was gone for something like 18 or 19 days out of the last like 30. He missed out on Halloween, so we took a lot of pictures for the prince. So we are so glad to have him back home with us. By the last couple of days Josslyn was really struggling to be good and her nursery teacher even commented that Josslyn sure has some ants in her pants! She missed her daddy and didn't like him being gone for so long. I really hope we can give her some one on one time soon before the holidays start so she knows we aren't trying to ignore her and that daddy still loves her even though he had to be gone for so long.

Now on the holiday season! I love this time of year and especially Thanksgiving. I'm looking forward to including McKynzie on all the traditions we have started with Josslyn and maybe start some new things! Happy holidays!