25 March 2013

The Happenings

Hello Blogger World!

Josslyn had her 15 month check-up the other day so I thought I would post an update on our little joy and post a few of our activities up here in Washington. Although admittedly...I sadly haven't taken many pictures. In fact I took out the camera the other day to take a picture and it was dead and I didn't even know it. So most of these pictures are from my phone, but still awesome.

Josslyn is 15 months and almost 2 weeks old. She is absolutely the best thing about every day. She is amazing. Here are some neat things about her.

-Josslyn is 30 inches long and weighs 22 lbs. 5 oz. Both of these things are in the 50% percentile so she is just the perfect size!
-She loves to be outside. If it's sunny we have to be outside, no questions. If you put her shoes on she will stand at the door saying bye bye until you let her out.
-She is determined to do things all on her own. She won't eat unless you give her a fork and spoon and let her do it herself. Which is super messy, but always fun. In her opinion, everything can be eaten with a fork if you let her try. This also includes climbing and walking. No need to crawl or down stairs, I'll just walk. Fortunately, no major injuries yet, but I'm not counting on that lasting forever.
-She is a talker! I seriously wish I knew what she was saying. She'll give you the lecture of your life, including pointing that little finger at you and I love watching her lecture strangers the most!
-Josslyn is learning to count. She loves to count everything. Her legos, her dolls, her shoes, her bows, the stars on her shirt. Whatever you point out, she will count it. Somehow there is always three of everything. I've been working on trying to tape it, but she's into the stare at the camera when it's pulled out stage.

 She seriously just carries her ball around. Sometimes she'll kick it or throw it. But mostly just carries it around.

Josslyn's favorite spot in the whole house. Will spend hours here. My mirrors are always covered in fingerprints.

 Super baby!