26 October 2010

Not Halloween

It is that time of year. Everyone's favorite. I just can't figure out why. We at the Laursen household are not fans of Halloween. I don't ever decorate for the silly holiday, don't dress up, and try not to be home so kids don't stop at my house begging for candy. That week also usually means mid-terms so I'm stuck studying the whole time anyway (but the bag of candy I don't hand out, usually tends to be pretty useful during this time period). So there you go. I said it. I hate Halloween. I'd rather skip right over it and skip right to the very best holiday ever made up:

We LOVE Thanksgiving. We get three whole days off of school (and usually more than 1 from work), I get to procrastinate all homework. Most teachers don't assign big things over the Thanksgiving Break, so you don't really have that much to do anyway. Seeing as how I live in a tiny little house and have lots of family, I go to as many households as I want, stuff my face and not feel one bit guilty about it, and then sit around and watch a lot of football until my stomach settles enough to eat some more. Who wouldn't love that? Then, you only have about one to two weeks left of the Fall Semester (which this year means graduation). Awesome. I therefore propose the obliteration of Halloween and replace it with another Thanksgiving.

As far as a family update for Nate and me, we are just waiting for Nate's LSAT score to come back so that we can try and figure out what we want to do with our lives. We have a few schools pretty high up on our interested list, but we just have to wait for people to tell us whether or not they want us to come to their school. It's really fun. We are preparing to hopefully find that new chapter in our lives. We are unsure of where we are going and what we will be doing with our lives, but it's requiring us to exercise a lot more faith in our lives, which I think is something we aren't very used to. So we are learning.